
An Ayurvedic oil treatment to release the effects of stress and trauma. 

The Amnanda Process is a gentle, yet powerful traditional ayurvedic restorative treatment program to address the effects of long-term stress and trauma.
The word “Amnanda” comes from Sanskrit and means “way to the light”, “way of joy”.

The Amnanda Process is derived from traditional Ayurvedic therapy and has been adapted by the ayurvedic Doctor Swami Baba Ramdas, so it can be given in the West. 
Amnanda utilises the healing power of touch, organic herbal oils and mantra. In the Amnanda Process, the oils are the vehicle for transformational change that unfolds over the 12 treatments which are spread out throughout the year – releasing the effects of stress and trauma held in the body at deeper levels with each successive treatment. The oils have shown to break down the crystalline structures from connective tissue. These crystalline structures are the accumulated results from traumatic experiences, which have been stored in the body and affect health and well-being negatively.
Each person’s journey is highly individual. The client usually experiences renewed enthusiasm, greater clarity in life and restored youthful vitality.

Who can benefit from Amnanda Process?

  • If you have experienced physical or emotional hardship in your life and now wish to recover from the stress/trauma and rejuvenate.
  • If you are at a crossroads in life and want to build resilience and a sense of being more at ease.
  • If you want to slow down the aging process and support good health into old age.
  • If you simply wish to be more relaxed and happier. 

It is suitable for most adults between the age of 24- 80.

About the process:
The Amanda Process consists of 12 treatments administered over a 1-year period. On average every 4 weeks, so treatments can be as close as 2 weeks and as far as 6 weeks apart to allow some flexibility.

The effects of the oil treatments are further supported by drinking two specially formulated herbal teas: Green Tea boosts the immune system and Woman/Man Vital Tea helps support the hormonal system. Also, for two months during the year, a tincture is taken daily to strengthen and tone the skin and connective tissues.

Each session offers the space to share, the oil treatment (40 min) and some resting time.
It is best to have some space after a session, to allow integration. 

Session Time is up to 90 minutes at £ 70.
At this time I offer Amnanda to female clients only. 
I am happy to refer male clients on to a colleague of mine, alternatively you can find other Amnanda therapists on: 
Sessions are available in a dedicated treatment room in my home in Haslemere. 

Gudrun offers a 20 min free Zoom conversation so you can meet her, to have any questions you may have answered and  to get a sense if this feels right for you.

To book your free 20-minute Zoom call, please use the 

Reflections from my own process:
Amnanda has been a valuable process in my recovery from trauma. It has brought lightness, more serenity, and relaxation to my life. Being touched in a nurturing, caring way, without an objective to manipulate anything has changed my relationship to touch and my ability to receive touch - I felt safe to receive touch and am able to relax more. To be able to experience safe, nurturing touch seems to be an aspect that is very important for anybody who is recovering from relational, physical or sexual trauma.